Colour 3 column

Monday, December 12, 2011


Someday, I will get done everything I want to get done.  I will replace my really old front entry door with the new one that sits in my garage. I will replace the gutter on the side of my garage.  I will weed out my kids toys so that they are not laying all over the whole house.  Someday. 
Christmas is upon us and I find myself with very little money and Patience.  I think the Patience has a lot to do with the little money.  I try not to stress about it but it is hard, when your kids ask for things you know you cannot get them.  Then they ask if Santa could bring it to them, but you have to tell them that Santa is short on cash as well.  The oldest one understands that I cannot afford a lot of things but that still does not stop him from asking for everything he sees.  He once told me on a trip to the store to pick up his prescriptions that he knows why I don't have any money.  I said why, he said because you buy all that material and fabric.  I wanted to smack his butt but I didn't and I tried to be calm when I responded to his remark.  I told him plain and simple that the money was mine, that I work for it, and when and if I have a little left over after paying the bills and I want to buy myself something I can.  Then I reminded him that most of the time I make something for him or his brothers out of it, so was it really for me?.  Ah, children, and I hear it only gets harder.  Fun times lay ahead. 
Anyway, maybe after Christmas I will get to putting up projects that I have completed or something more fun then my ranting. 
Have a lovely Christmas everyone and I hope you get what your hear truly desires. 
