Have you ever got a project stuck in your head and just had to complete it, if not that is all you think about. OK my recent one started with this,I found it in the remnants at Joann's.
Hello, my name is Heida and I have a fabric problem. 'Hi, Heida'. So i bought it and then said to my almost 11 year old, you know this would look cool as________. When you make that statement you have to do it or endure the wrath of questions, millions of questions like when are you going to make ______ ?
So Joann's was having a sale and I bought these to go along with it. Can you see where I am going with this?
Then my assistant shows up and takes a rest on the supplies.
I did a little math (very little) to figure out how big the stripes should be, I wanted it to look somewhat realistic but not so much that people would be offended that you were using a flag to cover up with. I cannot cut a straight line very well so I measured along the whole edge 7.5 inches and then used the white as a guide to cut the red strip. I did this for the whole thing, so my stripes are not completely accurate but neither am I.
This is what my boys were doing while I was cutting away. We were at Daddies house and he has the train table.
So I cut the fleece and then washed it because I am backwards like that. While we are waiting on that lets look at something else. This is the scissors case that (long explanation here) the women who tutors my son, mom made for me. I found a canvas kit at the thrift store but did not have time to do it and didn't want to bog myself down with a new hobby so I asked the tutor if she could do it for me. She had her Mom do it because she is sometimes bed ridden and likes to keep busy. The original design was for a parrot but I was not a huge fan so I asked if it could be a recycle symbol instead. Her Mom was so determined to get it right she googled the symbol because she didn't know what it looked like (how could you not know) and took the yarn it out a few times because it wasn't exactly the way she wanted it. I thought that was soo sweet of her, and very handy for me. Now I won't poke myself with scissors when I throw them in my purse.
Ok, we're back. I took the stripes of red and white and sewed them together, I didn't want to do a regular seam because I didn't want there to be a back or front to it. So I just overlapped the material and did a large zigzag. Then I put it on the floor and realized 'oh, this is where math would have came in handy', but oh well I have scissors. I was only partly done here, I trimmed and continued sewing, until I ran out of stripes.
I found this model just laying around so I put him to good use and took a picture. Now that is on a king sized bed and I didn't even put on the correct amount of stripes, so it is big enough to cover up arms and legs (that is my beef with the throws you buy at the stores that either you can cover your arms or legs but not both).
This is what the other two were doing while I was finishing. Sorry about the pants less boy, when we are home (or daddies) the pants don't often stay on.
This was supposed to be a close up of the seams but you can't really see much, it is not perfect by any means but still looks kind of neat. My oldest son has already claimed it as his own, although I don't remember giving it to him.