OK I hate this jacket, I have always hated this jacket, it is ugly, and it creates massive amounts of static. (I know it has been almost 15 years and I should let it go, but..) I hate that I was forced to buy it and forced to wear it. I strongly dislike the person that forced us to wear them. The good thing is that I had a lot of good times in this jacket and made some great friends. I wore it the other day to work because it was the closest jacket to the back door when I was rushing out. A co worker and friend (who was also forced to wear it) was surprised that I still had it and that I actually wore it. She commented that she thought that I would have burnt it by now, but she knows me and that I hate to waste anything. I told her the jacket was still in good condition so why would I burn it. I told her I should make it into something else but not sure what since it was nylon. I started to feel a little better once I started to do this. Stay tuned for what it will become.